December 2019

FFA Competition

Sloan-Hendrix FFA members attended their subarea competition at Pocahontas Junior High on Wednesday, December 11. Carley Morgan won 2nd place in the Creed Speaking event and will be representing Sloan-Hendrix FFA in Hot Springs in April at the State FFA Convention. Travis Doran placed 6th in Creed Speaking. Randy Lingenfelter is the FFA Advisor.

BRTC Technology Day

FBLA Students Attend BRTC Technology Day


Archers Shoot at Razorback

The Sloan-Hendrix Archery Teams recently shot at the ranges of Razorback Archery in Ash Flat. The junior teams travelled to the site on Wednesday, December 4 and the senior team did so on Saturday, December 7. Razorback Archery is located 6 miles west of Ash Flat at the Gipson Box Company, and sports both an indoor and outdoor range. The sporting goods store has hosted Sloan-Hendrix archers for several years to help hone their skills before competition. The teams were accompanied by team coach Greg Foreman, and Mr. Brian Keough. Volunteer Mr. Pardo Roberts attended the Wednesday shoot.

Urban Air GT Trip

Gifted and Talented Urban Air Trip