December 2018
Homecoming Ceremony and Games
On Friday, December 14, at 5 pm in the Bill McCurley Gymnasium, the Sloan-Hendrix Homecoming Queens were crowned in a ceremony proceeding the basketball games. Freshman Macy Lamb was crowned the Jr. Queen and sophomore Samantha Clay was crowned the Senior Queen. Riley Hubbard and Emily Luffman served as Master and Mistress of Ceremonies. Following the ceremony, the Jr. girls and boys teams and the Sr. boys team played Bay.
Homecoming Pep Rally
The Sloan-Hendrix Homecoming Pep Rally took place during 6th and 7th periods on Friday, December 14. The Rally featured a performance of the SHHS Cheer Team and provided a much needed release of school spirit from the entire student body. This year's winner of the Spirit Stick was the Sophomore class.
Homecoming Maids
(left to right) 7th grade Maid: Serenity Dail, 8th grade Maid: Macy Lamb, Freshman Maid: Bethannie Young, Sophomore Maid: Samantha Clay, Junior Maid: Hannah Rohrer, Senior Maid: Alexis Easley
Homecoming Cermony - Friday, December 14, 5 pm - Bill McCurley Gymnasium

Hannah Rohrer
Junior Maid

Macy Lamb
8th grade Maid

Samantha Clay
Sophomore Maid

Serenity Dail
7th Grade Maid